Key Player Stalling Out in a Changing Environment A once-successful CXO’s performance and people are now lagging behind amidst fast change in the larger organization. Case Stories Client Once-successful CXO Background Amidst fresh and fast changes in the larger organization, a once-star CXO is now lagging in development, and with negative impact on their team and larger organization. Primary Challenges As the organization has grown, they have not kept pace or maintained their team. The needs of a larger institution require new expertise and maturity. Grew too fast, wasn’t prepared to sustain and properly staff for the unknown needs of today Political capital spent and commitments made along the way to bolster growth. Time to make good and produce for all stakeholders Evidence Bottom line of organization impacted restricting new growth and investment across org. Clarity lowered in this Vertical creating diminishing returns Can’t keep pace with other areas Turnover of team Past Growth and Transformation created higher bar compounding performance delta Emotional Pain Points Low morale Disenchantment Anxiety Could Not or Didn’t Know How To Intervene and bring the CXO back to high performing levels Diagnose issues and reestablish/strengthen team around CXO Realign the CXO’s contribution to the growth of organization Develop depth & succession theo Intervention Talent Transformation Leadership Advisory Functional Outcomes Aligned contributions and improve performance Retention – CXO/CXO’s team If an exit is needed, smooth transition Connecting the leader to organization’s mission Performance, in real terms, improved significantly Emotional Outcomes Confidence Relief Happiness